Digicom offers registration services for Domain Names, Hosting, and Email Servers for all domains under:
The subject "Digicom shpk" carries out its activity as a "Registrar" based on authorization No. 6 dated 12.04.2017, in fulfillment of the conditions set by AKEP according to Regulation No. 02, dated 21.02.2008, for "Registration and Administration of Domain Names under .AL and under the domains .gov.al, .mil.al, .edu.al, .com.al, .org.al, and .net.al".
Registration Certificate: link
We remind you to be careful when choosing domain names, based on Appendix 2 of Regulation No. 02, dated 21.02.2008, regarding the "Registration and Administration of Domain Names under .AL and under the domains .gov.al, .mil.al, .edu.al, .com.al, .org.al, and .net.al". For your selection, rely on the specifications of the prohibited and reserved characteristics for domain names outlined in the aforementioned appendix .
Appendix 2: List of Prohibited and Reserved Names.LINK
Rates for Registration, Hosting, Email Server as per the quotation.
Rates for Domain Registration: 29.99 EUR/Year
The AKEP regulation for the administration of .al domain names can be found here:
Phone: (+355) 456-00110
Email: contact@digicom.al