Enjoy Digi TV Programming for
30 Days FREE

Watch via the internet from anywhere and on multiple devices.

Register, receive your verification code, download the Digi TV app, and log in with the credentials that will be sent to you via email.

Enjoy streaming the Di-Gi TV package for 30 days FREE on a unique OTT platform, anytime, anywhere, and on multiple devices simultaneously: TV, tablet, or smartphone. You can customize the device combinations as you prefer.

The services we offer with Digi TV include: Live TV, EPG, Catchup TV, Favorite List, Parental Control, Screen Mirroring (AirPlay). .

  • Fill in your details and click "Register" to receive the verification code via SMS.
  • After verifying the code, you will receive the "Authorization Code" at your email address.
  • Use the "authorization code" on TV, Tablet, and Smartphone devices to access Digi TV .
  • Download the Digi TV app on your devices.
  • For your Android TV or Smart Box, download Digi TV directly from your device.
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