Established in 2014, Digicom brings for the first time in Albania, a network entirely and exclusively with Fiber Optics to your premises. We have invested in a sustainable network with future-proof technology. We are growing every day thanks to the trust of our customers.
We are here to deliver what we promise!
We are a business that started with great innovative ideas to bring the Albanian market the opportunity to have high-speed internet accessible to everyone.
In August 2014, Digicom releases the signal. In less than a year, Digicom connects the first, entirely and only 100% fiber optic network to around 1,000 customers.
Digicom brings to the market for the first time in Albania, Gigabit speed to your home through optical fiber. The fiber optic infrastructure is built for the future, as all future services are expected to be provided via fiber optic and no longer via ADSL, COAX, etc. Only through this technology Digicom has managed to offer extreme Internet speed such as 1 Gigabit, speed which was offered for the first time in Albania in August 2018, for family subscribers, making Albania the third country in the Balkans after Romania and Bulgaria that offers one such speed.
Digicom joins the ATU (Albanian Telecommunication Union) family, which offers wholesale capacity in Albania through optical fibers, both for data and Internet services. It is considered the "backbone" network of Albania with 100% optical fiber.
We already have new offices at ABA Business Center.
Digicom Nokia cooperation is finalized. The entire Digicom network begins the migration from ZTE to Nokia, to give our customers a trusted network with investments for the future.
We are located in Durrës, Dhërmi and Palasa.
For the first time in Albania, Digicom offer XGSPON technology, offering even higher speeds for customers, up to 2.5 Gbps in LAN and up to 1 Gbps in WiFi6.