Data protection policy


The policy of data protection applies to whom?

Employees of our company and subsidiaries must adhere to this policy. Business partners, consultants, and all external entities are included in this policy. In general, our policy refers to anyone we collaborate with or who acts on our behalf and requires access to data.


Politics and its context

If our business processes require us to collect and process various information, including online data, to identify individuals such as names, addresses, usernames, passwords, digital presence, photographs, ID numbers, financial data, etc.

We and our company collect this information through transparent methods and only through full cooperation and knowledge of the parties involved. Once this information is collected by us, the following rules apply.

Our data will be:

  • Accurate and kept as up to date as possible.
  • Collected fairly and only for lawful purposes.
  • Processed by our company within legal and moral frameworks.
  • Protected against any unauthorized or unlawful access by internal and external parties.

Our data will not:

  • Be communicated informally
  • Be retained for longer than necessary.
  • Be transferred to organizations, states, or countries that do not have adequate data protection policies.
  • Be distributed to an entity beyond those agreed upon by the data owner (excluding legitimate requests from law enforcement authorities).

  • Inform individuals about which data we are collecting.
  • Inform individuals how we will process this data.
  • Inform individuals about who has access to the collected information.
  • Have specific steps for data that is lost, degraded, or compromised.
  • Allow individuals to request that we modify, delete, restrict, or correct the data held in our databases.


In order to implement data protection, we are committed to:

  • Limiting and monitoring access to sensitive data.
  • Developing transparent procedures for data collection.
  • Training employees on online privacy and security methods.
  • Building secure networks to protect online data from cyber attacks.
  • Implementing clear procedures for reporting privacy breaches or misuse of data.
  • Including contractual elements or communicating how data will be managed.
  • Using data protection practices (document destruction, secure keys, data encryption, frequent backups, access authorization, etc.).
  • The data protection policy will be displayed on our official website.

Consequence of this policy

All principles in this policy must be followed rigorously. A breach of the principles of data protection will result in disciplinary action and possibly legal action.